# Quote Editor Edited
2 "Every game needs tennis." - Nick, 2021 xthegreekgeekx 2021-10-20T00:36:17Z
3 "I'm not gonna smoke on some random dude's pipe!" - Nick, 2021 xthegreekgeekx 2021-10-20T00:40:20Z
4 "Yazuka" - Nick, 2021 theinfamouslineage 2021-10-21T01:12:45Z
5 "Maaannn if something happens to Nishiki, I'm gonna be pissed." - Nick, 2021 theinfamouslineage 2021-10-21T01:59:18Z
6 "Now watch, I'm gonna get fought by someone with a gun... which is also code for getting shot." - Nick, 2021 theinfamouslineage 2021-10-21T05:03:27Z
7 "What do birds gotta do with directions bro?" - Antonio, 2021 theinfamouslineage 2021-10-30T03:02:13Z
8 "Yeah dude, just shit your chair, what could go wrong?" - Nick, 2021 theinfamouslineage 2021-11-01T02:44:55Z
9 "You can still be heroic... but with a gun!" - Anna, 2021 theinfamouslineage 2021-11-01T03:02:46Z
10 "I watched Rick and Morty today," - Nick, 20Never Again, hopefully aneckromancer 2021-11-05T20:59:29Z
11 "My mom used to beat me a lot." - Nick, 2021 (in reference to Tekken) theinfamouslineage 2021-11-08T23:37:26Z
12 "Whack a monkey? More like, get whacked by a monkey." - Nick, 2021 theinfamouslineage 2021-11-09T00:52:32Z
13 "I love cucking monkeys out of their stupid space ships." - Nick, 2021 theinfamouslineage 2021-11-09T01:01:20Z
14 "I just love some damn scrite." - Nick, 2021 theinfamouslineage 2021-11-18T02:44:36Z
15 "God, I just wanna kill someone accessible by stairs right now." -Serial Murderer, 1988 theinfamouslineage 2021-11-18T02:58:11Z
16 "Keep those ribs knife-free now, you hear?" - Bacchus, 1988 theinfamouslineage 2021-11-18T04:16:19Z
17 "I've been wrong before, and I will continuously be wrong until I f'n die." - Nick, 2021 theinfamouslineage 2021-12-10T02:53:39Z
18 "This feels like something I would repress..." - Nick, 2021 theinfamouslineage 2021-12-10T03:07:47Z
19 "iladies nuts on your face" - Tylor, 2022 theinfamouslineage 2022-01-14T01:56:01Z
20 "We're gonna start with a GUH." - Nick, 2022 theinfamouslineage 2022-02-10T02:11:24Z
21 "Your mom is a miles prower" - Nick, 2022 theinfamouslineage 2022-09-10T21:19:11Z
22 "I can't believe I sang Creed with Jason Voorhees just to get fuckin' killed." - Friday The 13th, 2023 xthegreekgeekx 2023-10-14T06:28:38Z